Hi everyone! Here is the new home of Life of a Foodie - Miss V's School Lunches. I have had many comments about how much food I pack in her lunches and why do I do that. Well Miss V is usually starving after school and we have anywhere from a 20 to 30 minute commute home. Also on certain days she has activities after school and by over packing her lunch she is sure to have plenty to snack on after school.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Lunch 9/1

Lunch for today, by the way....where did August go to?  It really can't be September 1st already!

Today it was a sandwich kind of day.  Miss V chose her favorite....Dark Chocolate Dreams & Fluff on Whole Wheat bread.  She also wanted it cut into a pumpkin shape since she said it is officially fall now.

Red Grapes
Baby Carrots
Colby Jack Cheese stick
Welch's Fruit Snack
Trail Mix
Orange Capri Sun

As for the peanut butter....if you are a peanut butter lover, you should really check out Peanut Butter & Company.  We have tried all of them except the Heat Is On.  I can't find it in stores down here.  I bet it would make an excellent peanut sauce for Thai foods.  I also have made peanut butter cookies with some of them and wow, what an nice change of pace.


  1. I've only recently heard of putting fluff on a sandwich, but I've never tried one. Wonder how Nutella and fluff would be?

    Love the new background color!

    The school here has the shortest luch period, 15 minutes and Iza is a slow eater. I can send about 3 things, plus milk, and then one more something for a snack. Miss V always has such an awesome looking lunch!

  2. We are from New England where Fluff is made. I grew up on Fluffernutter sandwiches and my neigbhor's mom nicknamed me that.

    I love Nutella, but not sure if it would be to sweet with the fluff. Miss V loves the sweet & salty of the chocolate PB and Fluff.

    Iza only gets 15 minutes, wow that is a short lunch. Miss V gets 30 minutes, but she likes to talk and doesn't eat all her lunch. So that is why I over pack her lunch. I know on the ride home she will be starving.

    I think I am going to make some of the mini pizza crusts and stash them in the freezer.

    Pizza Friday starts next week, I don't know if it would be weird to have pizza twice at lunch though.
